Welcome to The National Coconut Week 2024!

Join us in Celebrating the Versatility & Potential of our Coconuts
under the Theme:

"Coconuts, Our Wealth and Livelihood"
"Nazi, Uchumi Wetu, Maisha Yetu"

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National Coconut Week

Get Ready for the Coconut Week 2024.

Join us for the National Coconut Week 2024, an event aimed at revitalizing the coconut value chain and unlocking its untapped potential. Coconuts have long been a source of livelihood for thousands of farm households across six coastal counties in Kenya. Yet, their significant contribution to the country's economy remains underexplored.

The event, scheduled for the 18th to 26th of April 2024 at the Kilifi Convention Center in Bofa, Kilifi County, promises to be an engaging and informative experience.

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What to Expect

Why choose Us?

National Consultative Conference.(18th - 19th April)

Engage with industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders as we discuss strategies to enhance the coconut value chain. Exchange ideas, share insights, and collaborate towards sustainable growth.

Why choose Us?

Coconut Tree Planting Activity(20th - 26th April)

Join us in a nation-wide initiative to plant coconut trees across the six coastal counties. Contribute to environmental sustainability and support the expansion of the coconut industry.

Why choose Us?

Business Linkages

Forge valuable connections and establish partnerships with key players in the coconut value chain. Explore opportunities for collaboration, investment, and market expansion.

Why Attend?


Gain valuable knowledge and insights to empower yourself and your community. Learn about best practices, market trends, and opportunities for growth within the coconut industry.


Connect with like-minded individuals, industry leaders, and potential partners. Build relationships that can lead to future collaborations and business opportunities.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative event that celebrates the richness and potential of coconuts. Join us live at National Coconut Week 2024 and together, let's shape the future of the coconut industry in Kenya!

Coconuts, Our Wealth and Livelihood
Nazi, Uchumi Wetu, Maisha Yetu

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National Coconut Week